Is Safety Compromised with the Advancement of Lightweight electric wheelchair?

In the development process of electric wheelchairs, the initial products were usually bulky and bulky, with welded fixed joints that were not very convenient to fold and store. 

However, with the increasingly diverse needs of the elderly and disabled, lightweight electric wheelchairs are gradually receiving attention.

Some multifunctional electric wheelchairs may be heavy and frequent handling may be inconvenient. Many people believe that lightweight electric wheelchairs are too lightweight and lack safety, 

but in reality, this view is incorrect. Today we will talk about how to safely drive a lightweight electric wheelchair.

lightweight electric wheelchair

Firstly, the lightweight electric wheelchair adopts an all aluminum alloy structure. As long as electric wheelchair manufacturers do not use substandard materials,

The strength of aluminum alloy is sufficient, and there is no need to worry about collisions causing looseness issues.

multifunctional electric wheelchairs

In terms of safety configuration, anti tilting small wheels, shock absorbers, electromagnetic brakes, etc. are all standard configurations. 

If a portable electric wheelchair is not equipped with these safety measures, then it is necessary to consider whether to purchase counterfeit goods.

Regarding weight, larger outdoor and functional wheelchairs are definitely more stable. However, the design of lightweight electric wheelchairs is already very mature, 

and electric wheelchair manufacturers will also consider lowering the center of gravity and adjusting the chassis to avoid the risk of tipping over during the design process.

Driving a light electric wheelchair requires attention to several key points. Firstly, the vehicle speed should not be too fast. Electric wheelchair manufacturers usually take this into consideration.

Generally, the speed of road type electric wheelchairs can reach 6-7km/h, while the speed limit for indoor types is 5km/h. Therefore, it is not recommended for elderly people to drive too fast, as safety is the top priority.

Secondly, it is necessary to adjust the center of gravity when going uphill or downhill. When going uphill, lean forward slightly, and when going downhill, lean back to minimize the risk of tipping over.

Thirdly, do not climb too steep slopes. The tire design of lightweight electric wheelchairs is narrower, and their grip capacity is not as good as that of road wheelchairs. 

Tires may slip when going downhill. We need to be careful to avoid this situation from happening.

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